Couples Therapy

We understand that it takes courage and strength to reach out to someone for help, especially when it comes to matters as personal and intimate as a relationship.

At our practice, we approach therapy with an open mind and respect for different forms of relationships, including married couples, non-married couples, LGBTQ+ partnerships, polyamorous couples and more. We believe that every relationship is unique and deserves individualized attention and support.

We want to emphasize that seeking therapy is not a sign of weakness but rather an admirable step towards prioritizing your relationship and personal growth. By acknowledging the need for assistance, individuals show their commitment to making positive changes, which can have a profound ripple effect on their lives.

What if I fear that the therapist will take sides or judge me?

We understand these concerns and want to assure couples that we create a safe, caring, and nonjudgmental space for them to openly explore their concerns. Our therapists are trained to listen with empathy, providing a supportive environment where couples can express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fear of judgment.

Our therapist also maintains neutrality and refrains from taking sides. Instead of viewing the individuals in the relationship as separate entities, the therapist sees the couple as a unit, working together towards common goals and harmony. By adopting this approach, the therapist can help foster a sense of collaboration and teamwork within the relationship.

Will couples therapy benefit us?

The benefits of couples therapy are numerous. Through therapy, couples can expect to develop better communication skills, gain insight into the dynamics of their relationship, and acquire strategies to overcome challenges. Therapy can also help couples rebuild trust, rekindle intimacy, and establish a stronger foundation for the future.

What should we do if our schedules are hectic and it is hard to coordinate a time to book a session?

We offer flexibility in therapy delivery. Sessions can be conducted in-person or online, providing convenience for individuals with hectic schedules or those who may prefer the comfort and privacy of their own homes. Online therapy offers the same level of confidentiality and effectiveness as in-person therapy, allowing couples to engage in therapy regardless of their geographical location.

Embarking on this journey demonstrates a commitment to personal growth, a desire for a healthier relationship, and an investment in your overall well-being.

We are here to support you every step of the way. When you are ready, please reach out. We look forward to partnering with you and helping you foster a thriving relationship.

We are here to help you cultivate inner harmony